Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Coming off the heels of yesterday...

After yesterdays post, I felt there was a few things left unsaid. One thing in particular that may be misconstrued is the realization of the wolves in sheep's clothing. The fact is that these individuals are there and awareness of them is half the battle; however, it is only through a concept of Emotional Intelligence or EQ that and individual can see the reality of the wolf life. Through the process of stepping back and realizing what makes these individuals their character and choices, the way they are allows a more accurate perception. This perception can give understanding of the best way to handle certain situations.

The point I was making yesterday is to not be deceived by certain things or people in this world but to be aware of the reality. So then the question in my mind raised, "What would Jesus have us do with this realization?" I think I came to the conclusion that Jesus would have us love them but not to the point at which we lose ourselves.  We can love those wolves in sheep's clothing...but from a distance.

For me it is all too easy to sacrifice my wants, needs, and goals for others whom I love; however, I have to stop and ask myself if this is the abundant life that God has died to give me. Well I can say when the sacrifice is for those, whom I love, then it is not such an altruistic endeavor. I am by nature a helper and it brings me great joy to help other people and while this is a good aspect of servant leadership it is good to remind myself that I am just as valuable and in need of help as the individual I would help. And how much more will I be able to help others if I, myself, am being helped?

God created us to live in community; therefore, helping and receiving help comes from those around us in our micro-community of the world community. While it is a nice thought that we can help everyone in our community it is relatively impossible. Some community members will refuse to be helped and appreciate the love that is being given. When Jesus said we are to love one another, He wasn't just speaking of our friends and those whom it is easy to love but also those who are difficult and a challenge to love.

While I agree with this I do have to say that there is an extent to which loving those who refuse love, can reach. There was no guarantee that those we love will love us back, just as God's experience of loving the world but the whole world doesn't love Him back. But I am not Him and when loving those who refuse love starts to take away from the person I am or steal my joy, that is the time to re-evaluate the situation. Perhaps there was a time that you loved an individual who refused your love? Well then you have insight into the great dilemma of will, which I won't go into now but at a later date.

Don't sacrifice who you are for another individual, EVER. God made you just the way He wanted you. You are His masterpiece! That is not to say that the effects of this world that have made you angry or bitter are part of God's design for the person you are and that is something for you to address, but always remember your original identity comes from and is hidden in God. That is the source of your identity and integrity!


Integrity is, in a nut shell, doing what you said you were going to do. If you say you are going to help someone or do something then the character trait of integrity is the vehicle that takes words to action. Sadly, in this society, much integrity has been lost for many; however, Jesus did and continues to do what he said he was going to do and as His beloved, this is a character trait that needs to be revived.

So if you say you love someone, show it otherwise they are just meaningless words of a broken world, or better yet show it with action then follow up with the words! Blessings!

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