The above video got me to thinking about the sinful woman and wondering if she ever wondered why her life was not the way she imagined it to be when she was a little girl. Did she ever resent her social standing and what she had to do to make it? And how did that change after her interaction with Jesus? She was instructed to go and not sin again. The sinful woman at Simon's dinner in Luke 7 was told that her faith had saved her and that her sins were forgiven.
When I picture some of the women in the bible, I imagine in my mind's eye that they had a heart that longed for something, and they were willing to risk it all in hopes that, that something would be found. So what was it?
I have been struck by a song as of late. When I hear this song all I can think about is the love between Jesus and his bride, in particular, me. I think about how we were created with that desire for that something, that intimacy with true love. There are a few thoughts that I want to share. This song is about the typical Romeo and Juliet story. I find a few things interesting.
First, we have two young people, a girl speaking about a boy who is pursuing her; however, there is a problem because apparently her father opposes the union. I'm not sure why until later in the song where she makes mention that she is a scarlet letter and that reminds me of how we as humans are tainted with sin, and therefore there could be no union between Jesus and the scarlet sin stained bride. The bible says that the bridegroom was to cleanse his bride with the washing of the word.
Second, Romeo has to leave for some reason which parallels the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. Jesus had to walk a seemingly hopeless dead end path in order to get where He really wanted to be, in relationship with his bride.
Thirdly, She makes reference to her doubt because she just doesn't see his return. She expresses her desire for him to save her and how lonely she feels waiting his return. I can relate to this fading faith that in my mind can turn in on itself and end up hearing/wondering, "did I just make this up?" The solution is found in knowing the Bridegroom, really KNOWING him, his character and integrity.
Fourthly and finally, the song ends with a proposal for the ultimate union to behold a union of oneness, a marriage. I love the part when the groom says, "You will never be alone," and, "I talked to your dad." I love that because I can see Jesus as the bridegroom impatiently asking God the Father, "Okay we did it, can I? Can I be with her now?" There is obviously a distance between the daughter and the Father which exemplifies the brokenness from Adam's sin in the garden that separated us from God; however, a third party was able to bridge the gap. That third party is Jesus, our bridegroom.
Here's the video:
I'll close this by saying that I think that I was born in the wrong time period. I see this video and it reminds me of a time when honor and integrity made the man. People seemed to hold to a different standard that what is prevalent today. I have to remember that honor and integrity are the character of Jesus, no matter what the world says and does. This song really speaks of the intimacy to be had with Jesus as our husband. This has really been an answer to prayer because I have really been going through some terrible things, I mean really bad! It was an answer because to be honest if I can't have this intimacy with Christ, life is quite unbearable! I look forward to the intimacy I will share with my Lord. I praise him for being my passionate pursuer even when I turned and blamed him for the pain, grief and agony that this world has imposed. I told you I was childish!
Oh yeah back to my something something point. Jesus is the something. A passionate love story. That is the life you and I are called to enter into. It's a love story, baby just say YES!
Merry Christmas!