I have been quiet for a little while now and I would like to say I was being quiet before the Lord, and although it might appear that in one way, that was not my intention; however, He does work in spite of me! Well, the real reason is because I have been distracted.
One thing that I have been able to really see a little more clearly this past year is the attacks of the enemy. Not that I have in anyway shape or form been able to process that quick enough to keep my flesh in check or fight it, completely, but just the fact that I can identify him shows progress. We all have a purpose, and Satan's plan is to thwart God's, which brings up a really interesting concept that I won't spend to much time on but you can mull it over, and over, and over, the Sovereignty of God. Satan is prowling around to destroy us, because we are made in the image of God and God loves us and Satan hates that. Now I am aware that some of you may not really believe that Satan exists, and that is okay for you, but A) it is in the bible that we hold to as truth and B) he does not require you to believe he exists, in order to do so. I could very well believe that you don't exist, but that doesn't make it truth .... Moving on! So one thing I have always thought about is this relationship between good and evil or God and Satan. If you remember in Job, Satan had to ask God the Father's permission to mess with Job, so that brings great security to the believer because old smutty had to ask our Daddy's permission, ha! However, he does ask and he gets it sometimes, well a lot of times, uh-oh! I love Job because he is viewed by some to be so righteous and holy, and it is so funny to me, perhaps because it gives me hope. In the end even Job got a rebuke from dear old Dad. I mean we are not immune based on our good behavior. I think this is a misconception of mine. I seem to think that I should be rewarded for obedience and I will just not this side of heaven. If it is this side then it can only be grace. It is all about relationship. Whatever will bring us back to God, that is the ticket, even if it is in agony with a bloody lip and bruised elbows. He will take us anyway we come. God uses Satan's evil for our good, not comfort our character. I try to convince God that I am already quite a character and not really in need of anymore problems or trials that are character building experiences. He just throws His head back and laughs a good hearty gut laugh, 
then I laugh, till the tears come!
I don't want to get distracted by the circumstances that befall me. This world is run by sin and Satan is the author of that. All the sicknesses and selfishness are from that day in the garden with him and until we go home we have to deal with this stuff. I have a difficult time though remembering that God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind as it says in Second Timothy. And although we are sojourners in a foreign land, in the midst of a battle that surrounds us, we can as the psalmist says in 56:4, " I trust in God so why should I be afraid. I guess I'm just not there yet, because when I feel a lion's breath upon my neck, my heart stops, I go pale, and in a small squeaky almost inaudible voice I say, "Daddy is that you?" He replies, "yes child, I'm here"

He causes all things to work together for the good of those who love him. Romans 8:28
God Bless!
Wow I love that you said this. I've been going through the same thing. It really is a growing process...God was telling me just last night that it's a continuous thing - this relationship with Him. It is truly worth it. And it is really so easy to get distracted, but that's the plan of the enemy...to keep us away from our first love so that we work for him instead of shining forth the light of God in us. We all have what it takes to make it, we just have to pull that part out, no matter what your flesh or mind says - remember, you have to train your thoughts to think on things that are above. Living for God starts with one step, and then another, and then another, and another. Just keep going 8)
Lion of Judah=Jesus
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