Just one little letter from my graduate school application is all it takes and then I'm back in 8th grade again, dealing with the devastating effects of rejection. Who would have thought at 38 years of age that would be all it takes? I don't really want to seem like a whiner but I received that letter today and whereas I know many, MANY people both have dealt with and are dealing with much graver issues, I sit here devastated with my dreams shattered once again so...here comes the whine, because it just makes me feel better to get it out!
I had a rather difficult childhood and I won't go into many details; however, rejection was not only an experience but a way of life back then. Yet for this gangly unkempt 13 year old who had been tormented by peers for the preceding three years it never seemed that rejection sank in, somehow there was always a belief in hope and better things to come. Ahh the enduring hope of a naive child, can be quite a contrast from reality. So there I was, thirteen and having tried out for the girls 8th grade basketball team. I knew I had the skills necessary to play however was at quite a disadvantage because my nerves were getting the best of me. Due to the fact that my hands were shaking I had trouble dribbling and shooting the ball. I remember feeling like all eyes were on me and that with one wrong move I would be ostracized and once again end up feeling like a total loser. Try outs ended and I simply could not sleep that night. Upon telling my mother about how hopeful I was, I remember the cutting way her words sliced through me as she reminded me, once again, that I was, in fact, a loser and probably did not make the team. The words hurt but I had grown a certain amount of resistance to her throngs that started when I was six years old, so I had some measure of protective walls built up when she was involved. I dream t that night that my name was on the list that was to be hung in the 8th grade hall the following day and the joy I felt in making the team; however, remember it was just a dream. Sick with excitement and anticipation the following day, I ran to the door where the list was posted and scanned through the names, sadly to find my name was not there. It felt as if my whole world was coming to an end, everything I felt and believed about that day was torn apart and shredded in the acute awareness of the reality in which I lived. I was devastated!! I was a loser!! My mother had been right all along.
So that is what I felt again today. Upon getting the rejection letter from the graduate school, I feel devastated and like a loser. A million thoughts racing in my head, "what am I going to do now?", "I thought this was God's direction and plan?", "What exactly have I accomplished in these 38 years I have been alive?", "Others have careers and achievements...What do I have,...a solid track record of not being enough!" I can't help but wonder if anything has changed at all in the last 25 years? For I still seem to be the same person. No matter how hard I try I can not get away from that person who loses.
Following the 8th grade basketball tryouts, I did go to the coach and asked why I did not make the team. I didn't get a real good answer so I asked if there was anyway in which I could help out the team because I just wanted to be a part. The coach agreed and let me be the assistant, which basically meant I would collect balls and clean up after the team but had the bonus that I could practice with them. I went to the first practice and to my surprise not one of the girls chosen could do a lay up. I don't know if it was just nerves or the fact that they were all goofing around, probably still reveling in the fact that they had made the team. Oddly enough though, I , being able to practice with them, was the only one who could do a lay up that day, which was also my last day helping the team. I guess I had the satisfaction of knowing that I could do it even if nerves had thwarted my plan and that is all I needed.
So how do I do this again? In this situation? Do I just suck it up and re-apply next year? Well, what am I going to do till then? Just twiddle my thumbs? So many question, so few answers. Was this God's plan? I was so sure? Do I even know anymore? And if it was that I would go through this process and feel that rejection all over again, what was the purpose in that? Seems that it would just breed resentment and a loss of hope? What direction do I take now? Should I just give up? Because in all actuality...I'm tired of having to fight for every little thing. I'm tired of trying to prove myself. I'm tired of failing. I'm tired of losing. Well there it is, where I'm at. If you actually read this, then please don't hate me for whining. I only ask you to say a prayer for me for...without vision the people perish, this is so very true for me and right now the vision is lost!
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