Friday, June 18, 2010
God is Love! And He cares about the little things that aren't quite so little after all!
I have started to realize that I am one of those women, you know one of THOSE women who believe they can do all of the above, while curing cancer, and leaping tall buildings in a single bound! I call it Wonder Woman syndrome. I heard it said once, “the longer you live the less you know!” How true is that? I find out the longer I am here on this planet the little I actually know about,…well, everything! I remember being a teenager and knowing literally everything, (ha ha!) or so I thought. I have spent the time since realizing how much I really do not know and how totally incapable of living this life that I am. I have had to come to terms with myself and face the fact that, I have limitations! Each day seems to present a new understanding into just what exactly it means to me human. It is a relieving journey in finding that God really does not expect what I think He does. It is a humbling journey to find out that my expectations of myself far out weigh those of the leader of the universes!
My life is not easy to begin with, and I know we all have our challenges in life, He never said it would be easy. But I do not believe that His desire is for us to be totally miserable because we are working so hard all the time. I believe that just as much in the times of work and duty God is involved, but also in our play and relaxation He is in the midst of us, smiling and laughing right along. After all, who invented the idea or concept of fun? Wasn’t it God Himself? If everything that was made was made through Him, and every good and perfect gift comes from Him, then that includes play and rest doesn’t it? I love to create pottery or ceramics. I also love to paint with acrylics, draw, and play my guitar ; however, with my wonder woman schedule I have not had time to do those things that feed my soul the most. I absolutely love writing this blog too! Now I will have the time I need to do what I need to do! I have been reading Leviticus lately, praying to make it through, and one thing I notice is that God is precise! He directs the nation of Israel on what to do in every situation, sickness, sin, normal everyday bodily functions. He gives exact instructions, step by step on how to handle everything. God really never wastes anything. He uses every little part to teach us just who He is and as we look closer and closer into the eyes of love, our eyes grow wide with wonder.
So I had to write how God changed my schedule today and blessed me as a result of that change. Not only did He convey that He has no desire for me to work myself to death, but He also loves me enough to make sure I have what I need. I learned that I don’t have to join the rat race, as some call it. I am on His journey and He is more concerned about what I need than I am. He also knows me better than I know myself. That whole life and having it more abundantly, that He speaks about in John’s gospel, that can be had here and now, this day is the day to choose whom you will serve!
I am humbled and amazed at His grace once again.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Struggling in the Light!

How I long for a simple directive a, “go here and do that” kind of instruction, instead of bouncing back and forth like a pinball.

I was chatting with a friend recently and she commented on how there is a great desire within her to find out what instrument was her part in the grand orchestra so as to practice and be able to play her part. I responded with the comment, “We all do that but I think the symphony happens along the way!”

Today my thoughts took me to a place of unbelief. I am quickly coming to the conclusion that in certain areas of my life I am not trusting God. Perhaps part of me gave up somewhere along the way because the road got too difficult to endure, so I took a side road. Ever done that? To be quite honest all the losses and grief of the past six years has really done a number on me. God had been faithful and brought me through unbelievable adversities; yet, I stopped trusting Him somewhere along the way. I stopped trusting that he really cares about my heart when it is breaking or has been broken. I resolved that He was only concerned with my character which is wonderful and to be of good character is of prime importance, but being a woman, a single woman. Who has been widowed and abandoned on numerous occasions, and who is raising four children on her own, having to make all the decisions and walk it all out in strength when she’d like to just crumble on the floor... That woman, needs the Creator of the Universe, Who said He would be all that she would ever need,.. to care about her heart, and she really needs to feel it!
I also stopped believing that He would use me. I started believing the lie that I was too messed up and there were a million other people who are better equipped for what He had asked me to do. I started to believe that I am just another mess up, who is ruining things once again. I started thinking that it was time to grow up and stop believing in things like, “following your dreams,” because for me they just weren’t coming true. I started thinking that I needed to be more practical because practical pays the bills and dreaming doesn’t! You know that childlike faith,…gone.
This thinking brought me to a stagnant place where I was like that ship, run aground. I just didn’t know it. Confused, alone, disappointed at the way my life had turned out, and not wanting to believe for fear of having hopes dashed once again. I became once again bored with life and my choices. I guess underneath I have known that I am running from the thing. I have admitted it before, know it is true, but something inside of me is petrified and unwilling to speak life into it. It may be because all my younger years I was told how stupid I was and that I could not make a decision and I just didn’t want to make a decision that was not based upon logic. I guess with my statistical brain it says, “there is a higher percentage of failure when you don’t base you decisions upon fact!”
I struggled and struggled to do what seemed to be the logical “right” thing to do. I went in one direction, not happy not fulfilled. I went another direction, same result. I went back, same. I even tried another direction and the same un-fulfillment is occurring again. It is like the glass funhouse I went into with my dad when I was a little girl.

Then God,…
Started showing me in ways that He does care about my heart but also cares about the hearts of others and His timing is best. He had continued to show me people, whom I did not even know, to whom He ministered through me (and most times I had no idea!) I received a precious message from a woman whose life had done a 180 since we had met. She had struggled with an addiction and had been free of it for over 2 years. She told me that I was a big part of the reason why. How humbling that was for me. God loved her through me and I was a mess! I was a mess then just trying to keep my head above water dealing with multiple losses and I am a mess now finding out that God would choose me as His vessel by which to help her. I mean, who am I? There have been others who God has pointed out that He has worked through me for them.
So now I sit here, in my confusion longing for God to make sense of it all then in worship this song comes: Pour out my Heart (*see next post)
Through a series of sermons the messages seem to be saying to me that I need to stop worrying about what I was created to do and just focus on who I was created to be. But then I think of the details and He says, "You will not fail because I called you to it!" In the devotional My Utmost for His Highest, Chambers writes, "Remember God's say-so, 'I will in no way fail you.'" If He is so confident and made all these promises like: "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do His good pleasure." and , " I will never leave you nor forsake you." Then WHY am I shaking in my boots? (so to speak, I'm not wearing boots!)
I have been confused by what things I am doing. Should I go for this degree or that one? Is this degree my will or God's? Am I just, once again running? The other day I read this:
and we must he ...if we are going to choose what He does not want, He will check,ed. Whenever there is doubt, stop at once. Never reason it out and say-"I wonder why I shouldn't?" God instructs us in what we choose, that is, He guides our common sense, and we no longer hinder His Spirit by continually saying-"Now, Lord, what is Thy will?"
It seemes pretty basic, if in doubt, don't. Why don't I remember that? Why do I reason?
Why don't I trust more fully and completely? My life is in His hands, so why do I live with the mindset that it is not? In Romans 7 Paul talkes about not doing what he wanted to do and continuing to do what he didn't want to do. I can relate to that!
God says, "Lori trust me, with it all and I will make my will known to you and you will no longer move haltingly, you shall move swiftly and surely."
Oh I so long for moving surely! Speak to your child, I am listening, now!